Following my DNF at the Snow Run Enduro, I removed the subframe from my '03 Gas Gas. It had broken in two places. One place looked like it had been broken for some time and the other break was fresh. Additionally I found two more cracks in the subframe. Three of the four fractures were in the heat-affected zone near a weld. After consulting with an experienced aluminum welder, I decided it was not feasible to repair the broken subframe.

These three pieces were once a complete subframe.
Unfortunately a new, aftermarket, subframe is $220. As you probably know by now, I'm cheap. So I hit up the internet looking for a used subframe. After a couple days I came across a couple leads. One was for an '03 aluminum subframe, for $125 + shipping. The other was for a '97 steel subframe for $50 + shipping. Have I ever mentioned that I'm 1/4 Scottish? Well If I haven't, and you know how tight a Scotsman can be with money, it doesn't take a genius to figure out which subframe I bought. Although heavier, steel is stronger than aluminum. However, I knew it would not be an exact fit as there were quite a few changes between the '97 and '03 models.

Here is the '97 subframe with most of the parts bolted back up. Excuse the dirt as I didn't do a great job cleaning up after the Snow Run Enduro.
The first problem was bolting up the seat. The mounts on the back of the seat base would not line up with the holes in the subframe. I knew somewhere there was a change made as the seat from my '01 Gas Gas would not fit on the '03 either.

This was as close as I could get the '03 seat to align with the mounting holes in the subframe.
Unfortunately a new, aftermarket, subframe is $220. As you probably know by now, I'm cheap. So I hit up the internet looking for a used subframe. After a couple days I came across a couple leads. One was for an '03 aluminum subframe, for $125 + shipping. The other was for a '97 steel subframe for $50 + shipping. Have I ever mentioned that I'm 1/4 Scottish? Well If I haven't, and you know how tight a Scotsman can be with money, it doesn't take a genius to figure out which subframe I bought. Although heavier, steel is stronger than aluminum. However, I knew it would not be an exact fit as there were quite a few changes between the '97 and '03 models.
Here is the '97 subframe with most of the parts bolted back up. Excuse the dirt as I didn't do a great job cleaning up after the Snow Run Enduro.
The first problem was bolting up the seat. The mounts on the back of the seat base would not line up with the holes in the subframe. I knew somewhere there was a change made as the seat from my '01 Gas Gas would not fit on the '03 either.
This was as close as I could get the '03 seat to align with the mounting holes in the subframe.
Luckily I had a spare seat from my '01 Gas Gas still laying around (actually it was at a friends house). A quick test fit showed it would bolt up. However the '01 seat did not have the tall seat foam that I need.
The spare seat from my '01 Gas Gas lines up almost perfect with the subframe holes.
Looking at the seat mounting tabs, it is obvious why the '03 seat does not line up. They are different. Since the '03 seat has the tall foam, needed for anyone over 6-feet tall, I decided to drill out the rivets and swap the '01 tabs onto the '03 seat.
With the '03 seat on the left and the '01 seat on the right, you can see the difference in the mounting tabs.
It took about 15-minutes to swap the mounting tabs over. Now the seat fits perfectly. The next project to tackle is the silencer.